Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, We are a home health agency providing care to seniors in Hamilton, Clermont, Butler, Warren and Brown Counties.
Contact Us Today:
4030 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd., Ste 225
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255
Phone: 513-231-4010
Fax: 513-528-0797
About Us
We are able to provide services 24 hours/ day, 365 days a year for seniors, to help them remain independent in their home and community, providing alternatives to nursing home placement.
- Private Duty
- Provider for Veterans Administration Home Care Services:Personal Care and Homemaking
- Provider for Clermont Sr. Services (HOP): Personal Care, Homemaking and Respite.
- Provider for the Elderly Service Program (ESP) with the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio(COA): Personal Care, Homemaking, Respite and Companion Services
- Provider for the PASSPORT (PSP) program with the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio (COA): Personal Care and Homemaking
- Provider for various insurance plans.
We provide quality healthcare to our clients who are seeeking medical and related supportive services. We are a network of caregivers catering to the individual needs of our clients while fostering independence through education, dedication and quality services.